Category: Camera Apps


Picam Time Lapse Night Video

Introduction The Camera RASPIVID Command Resolution Automatic White Balance Auto Exposure and ISO Contrast and Brightness Profile, Intra Refresh Period, Quantization Parameter, and Bit rate Shutter Speed and Video Length Putting the h264 Video...


Motion Detection with OpenCV and Python

Besides its useful in security cameras I first became interested in deploying motion detection on a camera I built using a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with an attached telephoto lens. Its purpose was...


Displaying Camera Streams Side-by-Side

Often there are situations where it is desired to watch the streams from multiple cameras simultaneously. Security cameras are certainly one of those situations. For a while now I have been “playing” with various...


ESP32-Camera Streaming and Image Capture

This topic shows many of the ways one can stream video and/or capture images from the esp32-camera by AIthinker. For this purpose the example “camera_web_server” found in the esp-who repository ( was built and...